Adding new Farms and Fields
Written by Using the Website.
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Adding a new Farm, Adding a new Field
Adding a New Farm & New Fields to a client is accomplished on the Edit Existing Client page. There are 2 ways to get to this page.
The first is on the Dashboard- scroll down to the Edit Clients view, [which is different than the Edit Existing Client page.]
Initiate a search for the client in your database you want to add the New Farm to. The result of the search shows only one farm for Joe R Steffen, Dads Farm and three fields related to that farm.
Select the client's name to direct you to the Edit Existing Client page.
The second way to reach the Edit Existing Client page is through the Clients List. Again use the search box to locate your client, and select the client name.
Using either means, the Dashboard or the Clients List, will direct you to the Edit Existing Client page.
The top of the page permits you to 'Update Contact information' and also mark the client as Active or Inactive by unchecking the box. Please DO NOT delete the client as there is data associated with your client.
On the Update Contact Information page you can invite the client to view only his own data from this website. An email address checked as Primary needs to be inputed to achieve this new feature.
An email will be sent to the client fto set up a login and password.
By scrolling down this page you will be able to view and access Field Events associated with each Farm by selecting the field name.
Below the Field Events is a table of all the farms & fields linked to the client.
Select Add New Farm. .
This will direct you to the Add New Farm page. Simply add the new farm name and Submit.
This will update the table of all the farms & fields linked to the client.
To add a new field to the 'Mom's Farm' select the Add Field button. This will direct you to the Field page, which is the heart of this new website system.
GMS's new website is based on the field; whereas the lagacy website was based on the order.
The field based concept will allow greater utilization of the new features within the website.
Fill out as much information as known and if a plat map is available please attach.
If the zipped sampling location shapefiles are available for this field, use the drop down Event box select, then browse and upload.
The field boundaries can also be drawn into the Google map. Please select SUBMIT to save all information.
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